Monday, November 17, 2008


Today I met with Jeremy Cooney,  a former student of mine who has been such a great catalyst for our webisode series, Caffeine! We are not giving up on the development of this series, which you can see on our website, We have decided to keep it alive but finding our financing and studio in Los Angeles instead of Phoenix. Although I will hate to lose so many of our great actors and crew here in Phoenix, it has to move where the industry is. Jeremy has been such a great source of knowledge, talent, and discipline, that I hope when the time comes, he will consider making the move to LA. Jeremy was not only one of the finest actors when I taught at Metro Arts, but he can write, Episode 6 of Caffeine!, sing and write songs, (belongs to the group Greenstreet), and is the kind of diplomat and spirit that every production needs. This is a 'shout out' blog to honor Jeremy and thank him for all he has done. He is the kind of individual who will always do what is necessary to fulfill his dreams. Thank you, Jeremy! 

I also had a wonderful lunch with my Mother, Gerry, who always generates great conversation and gives me such a sense of pride. She is the reason I am up and blogging, and I have to say my greatest influence as a writer and performer. I'm sure many of you are aware of her blog, and although we don't always agree, her sense of conviction and integrity is stellar. Her discipline to write and generate conversation is unmatched, and even more so when you meet her live. She is an inspiration and true writer.  In fact, it was Gerry who planted firmly the idea of doing this play to honor the memory of my Father, and to help me heal from his disappearance. She has been the source of much of the history written in the play, her spirit planted firmly in the core of the play. Thanks for lunch, Mom. 

Tomorrow, I will leave for Los Angeles, where I was born and partially raised. Tomorrow, I will firmly head to the latter part of my latest and newest transition. There is a great song about LA by Counting Crows called 'A Long December' , which I love to play. Even though it has a sad melody and message, I heard it as I was laying in the hospital bed after a major surgery, and right after my Father had disappeared. The month of December changed forever for me, and it will always recall those days of waiting and searching. 

I sent the play, 'Bohemian Cowboy' to the director of the play, Kurt Brungardt, who I always look forward to working with. He always has the sense of the adventure of doing a play, he will arrive in Los Angeles right after Christmas. Then the rehearsals will begin! 


Gerry said...

My gosh, Raymond, you are right on the ball with another entry after meeting Jeremy. Jeremy is also the Irish singer in Caffeine and one of the villains. He is versatile! Your Aunt Margie, the nurse, was inquiring about starting a blog, too. She has had a fascinating career as a nurse and would be able to post some of her memoirs. Tell me if you want me to send you photos to post in your blog. Lunch was very fulfilling with a visit with you! Mom

Pamela said...

I enjoyed reading about your mother. I've enjoyed her from the minute I found her journal. I hope things go well for you in LA. I'll be keeping up with you to find out.

~*~Travelling Gnome Jossi~*~ said...

Awww Jeremy! I remember when I was in 7th grade and going to school at ASA with his older sister Claire...singing runs in their family. :D

That's cool you got to see Piggy(alex)! I miss him a lot. Lots of great memories were Alex being stupid and running across train tracks in front of a train outside bash on ash after a show and almost getting squashed. Gah...we were stupid teenagers.