Monday, December 7, 2009

'Short and Very Lame Entry'

Just when I have almost given up on this whole touring business, I have a show like last night and find myself propped up with new hope. Lucy, (the house manager and friend of mine) and her husband Donnie threw a party for their friends before the show, so I actually had a fair size audience. It was miraculous how different it is to play to an audience! The review I had in the Chronicle actually served me in that I worked more nuances into the physicality of the show. In the end, once I got past the emotional response to it, I was able to use some of the criticism and make some positive changes. Once again, that wonderment of discovery, as a result, a powerful show! I have to keep finding ways to keep this going. Last night, it felt like a locomotive, or rather, an am track train on a very fast track. (Its always a great sign when people want to stay after the show and ask questions and tell stories!)

Last night, after we came home from the theatre, Rustin and I played our guitars until our fingers hurt. Its always great to play after a good show, you feel as though you really are a musician/performer. We played so many of the old songs... Rustin is an amazing guitar player, and knows lots of the same songs I do. I'm picking up lots of tricks by just watching and listen to him play. The Austin music world seemed somehow obtainable last night.

Although the weather is still rainy and wet, our spirits are good and our hope is high.

Note to educators: This show would make a great show/workshop for your students. The first part of the workshop would be finding and developing the story. The second part would be the actual writing, workshopping and rehearsal process. The third part would be performance and continuing to develop in performance. The fourth part would be: How do I take this show on the road? I love to teach, and would love to come to your school/University.

Note to those leaving comments: I love the comments that you post on my blog. They are supportive, honest, and wonderfully inventive. They give me all kinds of ideas and most of all, they give me hope. Thank You.

Note to self: pick up milk and bread

Note to readers: Running out of power, must recharge computer, more later.


kanyonland King said...

You did read when I told you Debbie would have you come and do a workshop and then have your play at night for money! She said she might could get some for the day,
(At least food and budgets are tight) but the night take would be yours. Don't forget!
Stop and visit with her when you are available.

DB said...

Try turning the Am Trak train into a glider and play in the wind.